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Institute for International Law and Comparative Constitutional Law Lehrstuhl Oesch

Johannes  Rohrmann

Johannes Rohrmann, MLaw (UZH), Master of Laws (KU Leuven)

  • Research and Teaching Fellow
  • Lecturer
Room number

I. Education

  • Since 2024: Doctoral Studies, University of Zurich
  • 2024: Master of Laws, KU Leuven
  • 2024: Master of Law, University of Zurich
  • 2021: Bachelor of Law, University of Fribourg

II. Berufliche Tätigkeit

  • Since 2024: Research and Teaching Fellow at the Chair of Public Law, European Law and International Economic Law, Prof. Dr. iur. Matthias Oesch, Zurich
  • 2022 – 2024: Junior Research Fellow at the Chair of Public Law, European Law and International Economic Law, Prof. Dr. iur. Matthias Oesch, Zurich
  • 2022 – 2024: Legal Employee at a small business law firm specializing in data protection law, business law, and technology law in Baar (Zug)
  • 2021: Internship at a leading business law firm in Zurich
  • 2021: Junior Assistant at the Chair of Civil Law II (Law of Persons and Property Law), Prof. Dr. iur. Bettina Hürlimann-Kaup, Fribourg

III. Publications and Public Appearances