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Institut für Völkerrecht und ausländisches Verfassungsrecht  Lehrstuhl Oesch

European Institutions FS 25

Course Program

Selected questions of constitutional/institutional law of the EU and of the bilateral relations between the EU and Switzerland; a special focus lies on the discussion of current developments and challenges (e.g., Brexit, fundamental rights, democratic legitimacy, rule of law, EU external relations law, the EU and the People, Swiss-EU relations and institutional issues).

Course description (PDF, 157 KB)
Course outline (PDF, 194 KB)
Presentation Topics (PDF, 167 KB)
Presentations - Allocated Topics (PDF, 178 KB)

Please find more information in the course catalogue.

No podcast available.

Slides and Reading Materials

Lecture date Slides and reading materials Presentations

European Institutions 2025 Slide I (PDF, 1 MB)

Weiler_Authority_2019 (PDF, 251 KB)

deBurca_EU Supranational Governance_2018 (PDF, 219 KB)

Cappelletti_Integration Through Law_1986 (PDF, 1 MB)

Weiler_Transformation Europe_1991 (PDF, 10 MB)


European Institutions 2025 Slide II (PDF, 242 KB)

Feichtner_Pspp Judgment_2020 (PDF, 195 KB)

Weiler_Transformation Europe_1991 (PDF, 10 MB)

Oesch_Der EuGH und die Schweiz - EIZ Publishing_2023

RuleofLaw-Poland_Presentation Session2_Pfenninger Laura (PDF, 306 KB)

Presentation_Trilogue_Jerg Verena_final (PDF, 222 KB)

European Integration and Direct Democracy not compatible_Gaël GUILLEMET (PDF, 1 MB)

Preliminary Procedure 3_Jarovsky Albert (PDF, 57 KB)

The rule of law crisis and the role of the ECJ_Quian Kaipei (PDF, 1 MB)


European Institutions 2025 Slide III (PDF, 226 KB)

Spaventa_Fundamental Rights_2020 (PDF, 3 MB)

Lenaerts_EU_Citizenship_2015 (PDF, 352 KB)

Zeben_EU_Climate Litigation_2021 (PDF, 255 KB)

Halberstam_Opinion 2.13_2015 (PDF, 730 KB)

Peerboom_Migration Instrumentalisation_2022 (PDF, 352 KB)

Salomon_Europe without Internal Frontiers_2021 (PDF, 345 KB)

Vicini_EU_Asylum_2020 (PDF, 245 KB)

Buckel_Subjektivierung und Kohäsion_2007 (PDF, 863 KB)


European Institutions 2025 Slide IV (PDF, 150 KB)

de Burca_Authoritarian Governments_2022 (PDF, 260 KB)

Feichtner_Pspp Judgment_2020 (PDF, 195 KB)

Mendez_Direct_Democracy_EU_2017 (PDF, 355 KB)

Baraggia and Bonelli_Conditionality_Regulation_2022 (PDF, 357 KB)

Karatzia_European Citizens Initiative_2017 (PDF, 222 KB)

deWitte_Enlargement feasibile_2019 (PDF, 504 KB)

Scheppele_Kelemen_Defending_Democracy_2020 (PDF, 332 KB)

Longo_European_Citizens_Initiative_2019 (PDF, 284 KB)

Rozenberg_Role of National Parliaments_2017 (PDF, 1 MB)

Oesch_Campi_Der Beitritt der Schweiz zur Europäischen Union - EIZ Publishing_2022


Peers_EU_UK_Trade_Cooperation_2022 (PDF, 188 KB)

Poli_CFSP_2022 (PDF, 211 KB)

Cremona and Shuibhne_Integration_Membership_2022 (PDF, 162 KB)

Noutcheva_Lost in Europeanisation_2012 (PDF, 401 KB)

Elsuwege_Judicial_Review_CFSP (PDF, 228 KB)


Oesch_Bilateral_Agreements_2019 (PDF, 265 KB)

Lavenex_Schwok_Swiss_Way_2015 (PDF, 2 MB)

Tobler_EU-Swiss Sectoral Approach_ 2022 (PDF, 350 KB)

Tobler_Institutional Framework_2016 (PDF, 235 KB)

Maresceau_Tobler_A challenging Relationship_2022[5] (PDF, 11 MB)

Maiani_Lost in Translation_2013 (PDF, 180 KB)

Oesch_Campi_Der Beitritt der Schweiz-zur-Europaeischen-Union_2022_German (PDF, 2 MB)

Oesch_Schweiz – Europäische Union_2025