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Institute for International Law and Comparative Constitutional Law Prof. Dr. Johannes Reich

Professor Dr Johannes Reich, LL.M. (Yale)

Johannes Reich is Professor of Public Law, Environmental Law, and Energy Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich. His research centres on international and domestic Climate Change Law, Swiss Constitutional Law in its theoretical, historical, and comparative dimensions, Comparative Constitutional Law, and the foundations of Administrative Law. Johannes Reich’s scholarly work appeared in international and domestic journals such as the International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON), the Yale Journal of International Law, Transnational Environmental Law, the Heidelberg Journal of International Law, the Jahrbuch für öffentliches Recht der Gegenwart, or the Schweizerisches Zentralblatt für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht. He regularly teaches Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Environmental Law, Climate Change Law, and Comparative Constitutional Law.

Johannes Reich read law at University of Zurich (Licentiatus iuris [lic. iur.], magna cum laude, 2001) and Yale Law School (LL.M., 2008). He was awarded a doctorate in law (Ph.D. equivalent) by the University of Basel (Doctor iuris [Dr iur.], summa cum laude, 2009). Based on a habilitation thesis on the theoretical foundations of independent regulatory agencies in comparative perspective he was, on 18 December 2017, bestowed the Venia legendi in "Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law as well as Public International Law" by the University of Zurich. Johannes Reich was admitted to the bar of the Canton of Zurich in 2005. Prior to his appointment to the Chair of Public Law, Environmental Law, and Energy Law, Johannes Reich was an Assistant Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Zurich (4/2012-7/2018). Before joining academia, he advised and represented clients in court proceedings as a practising lawyer (associate) with a major Swiss law firm in public procedural, administrative, and environmental law.

Representative Publications in English

Information als Voraussetzung des Verwaltungshandelns, Veröffentlichungen der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer [VVDStRL] 83 (2024) S. 317–366

Federalism and Mitigating Climate Change: The Merits of Flexibility, Experimentalism, and Dissonance, Transnational Environmental Law 10:2 (2021), pp. 263–291 [Download]

Switzerland: The State of Liberal Democracy, in: Richard Albert/David Landau/Pietro Faraguna/Simon Drugda (eds.), 2017 Global Review of Constitutional Law, Boston MA: I•CONnect & Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College 2018, pp. 280–285, 325-6 [Download]

Freedom of Creed and Conscience, Immigration and Public Schools in the Postsecular State. Compulsory Coeducational Swimming Instruction Revisited, International Journal of Constitutional Law [I•CON] 7 (2009) pp. 754–767 [OUP; HeinOnline; ZORA]

Due Process and Sanctions Targeted Against Individuals Pursuant to Resolution 1267 (1999), Yale Journal of International Law 33 (2008) [33 Yale J. Int’L. (2008)] pp. 505–511 [HeinOnline; ZORA]

Publications (PDF, 184 KB)

Office: RAI F 095
Phone: +41 (0) 44 634 27 95


Unterseiten von Professor Dr Johannes Reich, LL.M. (Yale)