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Institute for International Law and Comparative Constitutional Law Lehrstuhl Keller

Case exercises in Public International Law I - Groups 1 and 4

Information for Groups 1 and 4

The case exercises in public international law I are part of the Module Public International Law I (Assessment level).

It is mandatory to adhere to the group allocation.

Information on the written case assignment ("Fallbearbeitung") in Public International Law I (Chair of Prof. Hellen Keller) can be found here.

Course number VVZ

Group 1: 2923

Group 4: 2926

Date, time

Group 1: Mondays, 16:15-18:00

Group 4: Tuesdays, 16:15-18:00

Room to be announced
Language German
Teachers Prof. Dr. Helen Keller, Dr. Yannick Weber
Course documentation and slides OLAT