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Institut für Völkerrecht und ausländisches Verfassungsrecht  Lehrstuhl Kaufmann

Responsible Business Conduct


The course will focus on the existing and emerging rules on responsible business conduct. After an introduction covering the basic instruments in the field of responsible business conduct, including the OECD Guidelines for MNEs on RBC and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we will discuss the intersection of business in all aspects of society, with a more detailed look on current issues like climate change and mega-sporting events. The course will be taught by Dr. Christoph Good and Ron Popper.

Responsible Business Conduct - Fall 2024 - Syllabus (PDF, 143 KB)

Time and Place of the Class

The class will take place on Wednesdays from 10:15 to 12:00 in room RAI-J-031, starting 18 September 2024. Class attendance is mandatory, as class is held in-person and no podcast or livestream will be made available.

Moodle Platform

All materials for the class, such as reading assignments and slides of the classes, will be uploaded to learning platform Moodle. Students have to register using the link below.
The password required for the registration will be announced in the first class on 18 September 2024.

Moodle Responsible Business Conduct Fall 2024

Course Administration and Support

Should you have any questions about the course, do not hesitate to contact the assistants of Prof. Kaufmann during office hours.

Weiterführende Informationen

CAS in Responsible Business Conduct

Mehr zu CAS in Responsible Business Conduct

The Centre for Human Rights at the University of Zurich (UZHR) led by Prof. Christine Kaufmann is launching a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Responsible Business Conduct (CAS in RBC) in February 2024.
This Certificate aims at supporting professionals and practitioners who seek to enhance their skills in the dynamic field of Responsible Business Conduct.
For more information, visit the website of the CAS on RBC.