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Institut für Völkerrecht und ausländisches Verfassungsrecht  Lehrstuhl Kaufmann

Current Issues in International Law: Digitalisation and International Law

Course Description

Digitalisation brings new challenges for which international law is only partially prepared. In the course "Digitalisation and International Law" we will discuss the impact of digitalisation and artificial intelligence on human rights and international economic law as well as the role of actors such as Google, Facebook, etc. The course also covers topics like sovereignty, cyber-attacks, and international law as well as new forms of regulation in times of blockchain and artificial intelligence. The course is part of the Master Program. It is designed as block course and takes place on four days during the semester.

See the syllabus for further information: Syllabus Digitalisation and International Law (Fall 2024) (PDF, 351 KB)

Time and Place

This lecture will be held in person, no podcasts or livestreaming will be made available. It will take place on the following dates in room SOC-F-106:

Friday, 20 September 2024 (9:00-16:00)
Friday, 11 October 2024 (9:00-16:00)
Friday, 15 November 2024 (9:00-16:00)
Friday, 6 December 2024 (9:00-16:00)

Moodle Platform

To have access to all information, course material and updates, please enroll in our Moodle course:

Attendance, Preparation and Reading Material

Attendance in class is mandatory. Furthermore, preparation and active participation in the discussions are a prerequisite for successfully completing the course. Please read all the texts listed under mandatory readings in the syllabus. Additional readings are meant to assist you should any topics be of particular interest to you. Please note that the required course material (including the PowerPoint Presentations used in class) and reading assignments will regularly be updated and published on the Moodle platform.

Group Presentations

Students will be required to give short group presentations on specific topics in class and then lead a discussion on that topic. The presentation and the participation in class will be part of the final grade. Further information regarding the presentations will be given in the first lecture of the course.

Course Administration and Support

MLaw Camila Addiechi, research assistant, is responsible for this course and available to answer your questions (; 044 634 48 64).